Benefits of Incorporating in Delaware

Did you know that when you’re ready to incorporate your business, you have options as to where your business will be incorporated? In some states, such as Delaware, you are not required to have a physical headquarters in that state in order to have your business incorporated there.

Ready to Incorporate Your Business?

Perhaps you’ve been operating as a sole proprietor and it is time to expand into a limited liability corporation (LLC), or maybe you have decided to launch a new business venture and you’re ready to fully incorporate your business.

The 3 Main Functions of a Corporate Registered Agent

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard that you need a registered agent, and in fact, it’s likely required by law in your state that you do have a registered agent. But what is it that a registered agent actually does?

10 Important Things to Know and Do When Starting a New Business

About half of all new American businesses fail within five years of opening their doors, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Oftentimes, it is a lack of prior research, planning, and preparation that forces small companies to shut down soon after getting started.

What is a Registered Agent?

what is a registered agent

If you own or are thinking about starting up a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation, chances are you will run across the term “registered agent.” A registered agent acts as a legal representative of your business. This representative is required by law in each state in the United States.

Why Every Business Needs a Third-Party Registered Agent

third party registered agent

All states now require a business owner or operator to name a registered agent. He or she serves as a third-party representative within the state and receives correspondence from the Secretary of state, service of process documents, and official notifications from the government, such as notice of lawsuits or tax forms, for the LLC or […]

5 Reasons to Hire a Registered Agent

reasons to hire a registered agent

Having a registered agent, also known as a resident agent or statutory agent, is a requirement for business owners of limited liability corporations (LLC) or standard corporations.